Contract Manufacturing for Injection Molded Plastic Products in North America
(800) 824.0607

Contract Manufacturing for Injection Molded Plastic Products in North America | (800) 824.0607
HTI Plastics News

Welcome to our injection molding news blog, focused on just that… injection molded manufacturing for plastics products.

From industry news, to company news here at HTI Plastics, we work hard at giving you the best articles, news and advice within our injection molding news blog. Be sure to visit our other sister companies, Lincoln Plastics, a leader in extrusion molded products, and Apex Plastics, a leader in blow molding manufacturing of containers and juice bottles, and many more bottle options.

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic. From a plastics manufacturer’s point of view, one of the most important aspects of injection molding production planning is price. If manufacturing process doesn’t monetize correctly, a product isn’t worth producing. At HTI Plastics,...

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Communication is Key to Manufacturing Efficiency

Stellar design and meticulous customer service are important benefits for manufacturing customers, such as those who depend on HTI as a manufacturing partner. However, communication is key to manufacturing, and efficiency of process is a quality many customers value...

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Innovations in Plastic Manufacturing Design

At HTI Plastics, we’re proud of our ability to provide some of what we humbly believe is the industry’s best custom injection molding manufacturing. One aspect of our manufacturing services that is especially near and dear to our hearts is innovations in plastic...

Materials Matter with Injection Molding

Materials Matter with Injection Molding

If you’re new to manufacturing an injection-molded product (using plastic or other materials), it’s critical to realize the impact materials have on the design and manufacture of a product. Case in point: Recently a company that sells outdoor/sporting equipment...

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Decorating Options on Plastic Products

If you’ve ever stood in a drugstore or grocery store aisle considering which product to choose, chances are you didn’t give a second’s thought to whether the branding and messaging was hot stamped, pad printed, or labeled. HTI Plastics has decorating options on...

Making an Injection Mold

Making an Injection Mold

If you’re new to purchasing injection-molded plastics, you may be surprised when you read this post and discover all the hours required when making an injection mold.Recently a poultry processing company approached HTI Plastics about manufacturing a poultry shackle....

Effect of Cavitation on Plastic Part Price

Plastic Injection Mold Design

Every plastic injection mold design we make is different from top to bottom, and each choice we make in designing it affects its capability, cost, life cycle, and more. Here are some of the things we consider before designing the mold that will make a new product....