Contract Manufacturing for Injection Molded Plastic Products in North America
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Contract Manufacturing for Injection Molded Plastic Products in North America | (800) 824.0607

Mold flow simulation is a crucial part of engineering and producing molded plastics for a range of purposes. Injection molded products requiring custom injection should always have a simulation done before producing a prototype, as this increases the chances of a successful product. With advances in technology, the in-house engineering team of a molded plastic manufacturer is able to easily provide the simulation at an early stage in the design process. This step offers numerous benefits in addition to ensuring the product meets all requirements.

Understanding Mold Flow Simulation.
Not all buying agents or managers thoroughly understand the process of mold flow simulation. This is a method of using advanced technology and software to simulate the process of filling a part made of molded plastic as well as the packing and cooling of the component. It is used as a diagnostic tool to detect potential issues with the mold flow design at an early stage in the process. The simulation essentially provides in-house engineers with a visual representation of the way in which the mold will fill.

Simulation Provides Important Information.
The simulation of the mold flow provides important information regarding how the mold will fill during production. It allows the design team and engineers to see if any areas of the mold will not fill completely with plastic. It additionally demonstrates where in the part weld lines will develop and whether these welded points will be considered structurally sound.

Advanced simulations of mold flow can even analyze cooling lines as well as their effects. Engineers can analyze this process through multiple cycles or the entirety of a single cycle to determine cooling lines and determine whether warpage at these points is a concern.

Simulation Saves Time and Costs.
Conducting a mold flow simulation allows engineers to save time during the development process, cutting costs significantly. These financial savings are then passed onto the company purchasing agent, who boosts sales by offering more affordable pricing to buyers. The simulation process is able to save time in a number of ways. It allows the product to be analyzed nearly instantly to ensure it can be manufactured. This prevents the risk of an issue not becoming apparent until the mold tool has been created. If a problem is noticed at this late stage, it can be more time-consuming and expensive to correct.

Additionally, the mold flow simulation process allows in-house engineers to predict any potential issues regarding the quality, ranging from inadequate draft angles to flow lines. This allows for immediate adjustment before time is spent working off the design or resources are used creating it.

Versatile Application.
In the majority of cases, the new mold flow simulation technology will be used when designing new parts. It is versatile enough, however, to assist with existing parts as well. In this case, in-house engineers can use the simulation to determine how molding conditions and part quality will be affected. This is particularly important for existing parts that engineers are adjusting to make thinner and lighter. By determining the effects ahead of time, it is possible to avoid making costly changes that will not function as predicted.